Go Kaniesha Manivannan!
They made it! There are 27 finalists from 4 countries in the MM Go World Championship 2020. And 8 are from iQ Abacus! These warriors have been battling from local, state, national scales, eventually are qualified for the world championship of 8/29!
They are bound to win cash prizes ranging from $100 to $1500! Do not miss the exciting tournament at 7 PM on Saturday, 8/29! Tune in https://USMentalMath.org/mmgo/2020WC_live.html to watch their exceptional performance in real-time!
Kaniesha Manivannan, Aadhav Sivakumar, Charan Boyapaty, Dhruv Penumalla, Ojas Guttal, Aydin Chellam Daniel, Cindy Ho, and Javen Ho! GO, GO, GO!!