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Abacus Mathematics

Abacus Math: no longer beginners

This course is designed for those who complete the "Abacus Beginners" course. The lessons include the following topics:

1. Drill 1: Add 1.23456789 for 10 times
2. Drill 2: Subtract 1.23456789 from 12.3456789 to 0.
3. Drill 3: Adding: 1+2+3+$+5+6+7+8+ ... + 97+98+99+100
4. Drill 4: Subtracting: 5050-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8- ... -97-98-99-100

The followings are for students to take care of at the same time (not included in this subscription)

5. Abacus Multiplication for multiplying a 1-digit number. The workbooks are Levels 9 and 8.
6. Mental Multiplication for multiplying a 1-digit number. This includes levels 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, and 5 on the mobile app, MM Go.
7. Find the missing factors in a 1-digit times 1-digit question.
8. Division without a remainder in the Times Tables range.
9. Division with a remainder in the Times Tables range.
10. Abacus division by a 1-digit number. The workbooks are Levels 9, 8, and 7.


Students need to be able to do the followings before enrolling to this course.

1. Learned +1 from 0 to 200 on an abacus.
2. Learned +2 from 0 to 400 on an abacus.
3. Learned +3 from 0 to 600 on an abacus.
4. Learned +4 from 0 to 800 on an abacus.
5. Learned +5 from 0 to 1000 on an abacus.
6. Learned +6 from 0 to 1200 on an abacus.
7. Learned +7 from 0 to 1400 on an abacus.
8. Learned +8 from 0 to 1600 on an abacus.
9. Learned +9 from 0 to 1800 on an abacus.
10. Learned -1 from 200 to 0 on an abacus.
11. Learned -2 from 400 to 0 on an abacus.
12. Learned -3 from 600 to 0 on an abacus.
13. Learned -4 from 800 to 0 on an abacus.
14. Learned -5 from 1000 to 0 on an abacus.
15. Learned -6 from 1200 to 0 on an abacus.
16. Learned -7 from 1400 to 0 on an abacus.
17. Learned -8 from 1600 to 0 on an abacus.
18. Learned -9 from 1800 to 0 on an abacus.

All the tuition fee is non-refundable. So please choose this course carefully. If you need us to perform an evaluation and give you a recommendation, please write to


Note: You have not purchased this course yet,
or login to continue the course.

Lesson 1. Drill 1

Lesson 2. Drill 2

Lesson 3. Drill 3

Lesson 4: Drill 4


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