Learning abacus is not just for good math. It provides rooted benefits towards learning for all.
Abacus fosters lifelong skills and creates a love of math
Learning Abacus Math can be as early as one can count from 0 to 20. Relatively older kids can jump start mental math levels after completing the first 22 lessons.
Confidence Brightens The Face
“When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things.” – Joe Namath
Conceptual comparison between Abacus Math and Paper Math
Studies of the brain have learned that the longer the exposure to the RIGHT kind of stimulation, the more the brain grows.
Math Competitions
Competitions inspire and motivate students to want to learn and practice more.
Highly Qualified Staff
All curricula are results of the accumulation of 16+ years actual teaching experience.
Competition Encourages Learning
We encourage our students to take a part in math competitions when appropriate.
Member of US Mental Math Federation
We are a member of the US Mental Math Federation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Singapore Math
Singapore Math is known by its design for encouraging logical thinking and problem solving. It has been evaluated as the World’s #1 math curriculum.
Some videos were recorded from real classes with students
When watching these videos, students will feel like sitting with other peer students and are not learning alone.
Competition Encourages Learning
We encourage our students to take a part in math competitions when appropriate.
As a beneficiary of the abacus math herself, Ms. Rueyin Chiou, the founder, wanted to transfer the benefit to her son when he was in a preschool. Ms. Chiou's professional background and her strong desire in educating her son formulated the deep understanding of needs from most other parents and the potential of the abacus math education. When she was teaching abacus, she already foresaw one major concern that was gradually emerging. That is, students need guidance in utilizing the mental math talent at schools and in real lives. Otherwise, it's only a talent show.